TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown
AdultsFoodHistoryHumanFood is culture, food is life — it’s part of who we are and the magic that binds us together. But here’s the twist: the way we eat is pushing the climate to the brink, with a third of global greenhouse gas emissions coming from the way we grow, process and waste food.
New Smrt App
AdultsEducationTechnology...Introducing the new Smrt mobile app, aimed at enhancing English Language learning for teachers and students while working in sync with the Smrt website application.
Primitive Technology: Flywheel blower smelt/Monsoon begins
AdultsConstructionCreativityNatureI tested a fly wheel on the blower. Taking an old clay fly wheel from the pump drill I made many years ago, I attached it to the axle of the one way spinning blower to see how it would effect performance.
Bill Gates Traumatized His Parents: The Early Years You Don't Know About | The Big Interview | WIRED
AdultsHistoryHumanTechnologyBusinessman, philanthropist, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates sits down with WIRED Editor-At-Large Steven Levy to discuss the inspiration behind his new book 'Source Code: My Beginnings'.
Are Science and Religion Compatible?: Crash Course Religions #19
AdultsReligionScienceReligion and science have had some famously messy fights, but do they always have to be in conflict? In this episode of Crash Course Religions, we’ll look at some ways religion and science are more than just enemies.
The four questions that can help your mind heal | Byron Katie
AdultsHealthHumanPsychology“I saw that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, and when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer.”
Is THORIUM the Future of Nuclear Power?
AdultsScienceTechnologySince the 1960s, we’ve known that light water nuclear reactors weren’t the only way to generate electricity by splitting the atom. One alternative design, so-called “molten salt reactors,” were more complicated, but potentially much more safe and economical.
Did Vikings Use These Crystals To Navigate?
AdultsHistoryTechnologyThe Vikings were renowned navigators at a time before magnetic compasses were invented. So how'd they manage it? Their secret may have been these pretty-pointed crystals of calcite called Iceland spar, and this month's SciShow Rocks Box subscribers will get to try this out for themselves!
Alp speaks about his experience taking Project Management at the Canadian College
AdultsEducationBusiness...Alp took the Project Management Diploma at the Canadian College. He speaks about how the skills he learned studying in Vancouver helped him when he was working at Zodiac's head office in Vancouver as a Project Manager.